- After resetting, Autoboot or bootloop or auto restart
- After resetting, Autoboot or bootloop or auto restart
- After resetting, Autoboot or bootloop or auto restart
- Когда уместно делать Hard Reset смартфона Sony Xperia?
- Сделайте резервное копирование
- Сброс настроек на заводские
- Сброс до заводских настроек при помощи меню
- Сброс при помощи сервисного меню
- Сброс настроек при помощи программы PC Companion
- Sony Xperia сброс до заводских настроек кнопками
- Сброс настроек (Hard Reset) на Sony Xperia C4:
- Как выполнить Хард Ресет Sony Xperia 1 через Recovery?
- Hard reset Sony Xperia V LT25i
- Как сделать hard reset Sony Xperia U ST25i?
- Hard Reset смартфона Sony Xperia J
- Как сделать hard reset Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc S LT18i и разблокировать смартфон?
- Factory Reset (SONY Xperia X F5121)
- Remove Pattern Lock, phone password
- Remove Pattern Lock, phone password
- General FAQ – Reset Sony Xperia XA1
- Contact Sony Service Center
- There are five ways to reset Sony Xperia XA1 Plus
- Fix – phone that says “NO COMMAND” in recovery mode
- There are five ways to reset Sony Xperia XA
- Factory Reset / Hard Reset Sony Xperia XA1
- Step 1,
- Stuck at Sony Xperia XA Logo Screen
- Factory Reset Sony Xperia XA1 Plus
- Factory Data Reset from Settings
- Reset Network Settings Sony Xperia XA1 Plus
- Reset Accessibility Settings
- What is Hard Reset?
- Reset Sony Xperia XA remotely
- As well, you are able to use Android device manage for,
- There are five ways to reset Sony Xperia XA1
- After factory reset my phone can’t connect to internet
- Contact Sony Service Center
- Factory Reset Sony Xperia XA1
- Factory Data Reset from Settings
- Reset Network Settings Sony Xperia XA1
- Reset Accessibility Settings
- Sony Xperia XA1 Plus Unlock with Google Find My Device.
- Hard Reset with Recovery Mode
- Method – 1
- Method – 2
- Factory Reset / Hard Reset Sony Xperia XA1
- What is Hard Reset?
- Hard Reset Sony Xperia XA1 Plus
- Factory Reset / Hard Reset Sony Xperia XA
- Step 1,
- General FAQ – Reset Sony Xperia XA1 Plus
- Reset Sony Xperia XA1 Plus – Video
- Reset Sony Xperia XA1 Plus with Android Multi Tools
- What is Hard Reset?
- Stuck at Sony Xperia XA1 Logo Screen
- Reset Sony Xperia XA1 Ultra with Android Multi Tools
- Factory Reset / Hard Reset Sony Xperia XA1 Plus
- Reset Sony Xperia XA – Video
- Reset Sony Xperia XA1 remotely
- As well, you are able to use Android device manage for,
- Contact Sony Service Center
- Fix – phone that says “NO COMMAND” in recovery mode
- Remove Pattern Lock, phone password
- Reset Sony Xperia XA1 with Android Multi Tools
- How to Hard Reset Sony Xperia XA {Normally}
- Step 1,
- Step 2,
- Sony Xperia XA1 Unlock with Google Find My Device.
- Hard Reset Sony Xperia XA1 entire phone (advance)
- Reset Sony Xperia XA1 – Video
- Fix – phone that says “NO COMMAND” in recovery mode
- Reset Sony Xperia XA1 Plus remotely
- As well, you are able to use Android device manage for,
- After factory reset my phone can’t connect to internet
- Reset Sony Xperia XA from pc (advance)
- Reset Sony Xperia XA1 Plus from pc
- How to Hard Reset Sony Xperia XA1 {Normally}
- Step 1,
- Step 2,
- Hard Reset Sony Xperia XA entire phone (advance)
- Hard Reset with Recovery Mode
- Method – 1
- Method – 2
- Reset Sony Xperia XA1 from pc (advance)
- Sony Xperia XA1 Ultra Unlock with Google Find My Device.
- Hard Reset with Recovery Mode
- Method – 1
- Method – 2
- Factory Reset / Hard Reset Sony Xperia XA1 Plus
- After factory reset my phone can’t connect to internet
- General FAQ – Reset Sony Xperia XA1 Ultra
- Stuck at Sony Xperia XA1 Plus Logo Screen
- Factory Reset / Hard Reset Sony Xperia XA
- Factory Reset Sony Xperia XA1 Ultra
- Factory Data Reset from Settings
- Reset Network Settings Sony Xperia XA1 Ultra
- Reset Accessibility Settings
- Take your Sony Xperia XA1 Plus phone and go to menu and then go to Settings and System..
- – Get full back up before doing this.
- Tap the
- Select Factory data reset.
- after that, next step, tap Reset Phone and Erase Everything.
- Well done!
After resetting, Autoboot or bootloop or auto restart
First, remove your phone battery and wait for 5 min. Then put and press power +Voume Up + home together and select factory reset.
If it Auto boot or auto restart – may be Power switch is defective and is always depressed. May be your phone case is pressing on it. So, remove that case for little. After try to go recovery mood.
If is does not work then install Stock Rom
After resetting, Autoboot or bootloop or auto restart
First, remove your phone battery and wait for 5 min. Then put and press power +Voume Up + home together and select factory reset.
If it Auto boot or auto restart – may be Power switch is defective and is always depressed. May be your phone case is pressing on it. So, remove that case for little. After try to go recovery mood.
If is does not work then install Stock Rom
After resetting, Autoboot or bootloop or auto restart
First, remove your phone battery and wait for 5 min. Then put and press power +Voume Up + home together and select factory reset.
If it Auto boot or auto restart – may be Power switch is defective and is always depressed. May be your phone case is pressing on it. So, remove that case for little. After try to go recovery mood.
If is does not work then install Stock Rom
This article will give set of instructions about performing hard/soft/remote reset Sony Xperia XA1 Plus . Read this article and choose one method and reset your Sony Xperia XA1 Plus. (all these methods were tested by us.)
Sony Xperia XA1 Plus is one of popular phone In Sony series. But Some times this phone may give errors. Then we have to deal with them. In that situation Hard and Soft Reset give us best opportunity settle the problem.
This article will give set of instructions about performing hard/soft/remote reset Sony Xperia XA1 . Read this article and choose one method and reset your Sony Xperia XA1. (all these methods were tested by us.)
Read More – Increase RAM size Sony Xperia XA1 after root?
Sony Xperia XA1 is one of popular phone In Sony series. But Some times this phone may give errors. Then we have to deal with them. In that situation Hard and Soft Reset give us best opportunity settle the problem.
This article will give set of instructions about performing hard/soft/remote reset Sony Xperia XA . Read this article and choose one method and reset your Sony Xperia XA. (all these methods were tested by us.)
Read More – Increase RAM size Sony Xperia XA after root?
Sony Xperia XA is one of popular phone In Sony series. But Some times this phone may give errors. Then we have to deal with them. In that situation Hard and Soft Reset give us best opportunity settle the problem.
Here is the complete guide about how to Hard Reset Sony Xperia XA1 Android phone without password or pattern lock. Also, provide factory reset from settings method and unlock with Android multi-tools software for free.
If you forgot your mobile password or PIN, here you can easily unlock your smartphone.
Hard Reset deletes all your device data like photos and contacts etc.
- Google account
- System and app data
- Settings
- Downloaded apps
- Music
- Pictures
- All other user data
- Service provider apps and content
- SD card decryption key
- All SD card data
- Your mobile battery must be above 50%.
- Remove SD cards and sims.
- Read carefully every point in reset methods.
Here is the complete guide about how to Hard Reset Sony Xperia XA1 Plus Android phone without password or pattern lock. Also, provide factory reset from settings method and unlock with Android multi-tools software for free.
If you forgot your mobile password or PIN, here you can easily unlock your smartphone.
Hard Reset deletes all your device data like photos and contacts etc.
- Google account
- System and app data
- Settings
- Downloaded apps
- Music
- Pictures
- All other user data
- Service provider apps and content
- SD card decryption key
- All SD card data
- Your mobile battery must be above 50%.
- Remove SD cards and sims.
- Read carefully every point in reset methods.
Here is the complete guide about how to Hard Reset Sony Xperia XA1 Ultra Android phone without password or pattern lock. Also, provide factory reset from settings method and unlock with Android multi-tools software for free.
If you forgot your mobile password or PIN, here you can easily unlock your smartphone.
Hard Reset deletes all your device data like photos and contacts etc.
- Google account
- System and app data
- Settings
- Downloaded apps
- Music
- Pictures
- All other user data
- Service provider apps and content
- SD card decryption key
- All SD card data
- Your mobile battery must be above 50%.
- Remove SD cards and sims.
- Read carefully every point in reset methods.
Сброс настроек смартфона кнопками — вынужденная мера, обусловленная накопившимися багами и переполненной памятью смартфона. Данная мера считается крайней и не применяется для оживления подвисшего аппарата.
Для того чтобы привести в чувства зависшее устройство:
В первую очередь хочется отметить, что в смартфонах Sony Xperia (достаточно много моделей) имеется аварийная кнопка перезагрузки, она находится в слоте для SD карты.
Чтобы аварийно перезагрузить устройство:
- Выключите смартфон. Откройте слот для карты памяти.
- В углу находится небольшая кнопка металлического цвета. Возьмите зубочистку или похожий заостренный предмет и зажмите ее на 3-5 секунд.
- Теперь можно включить телефон он будет перезагружен, даже если перед этим не хотел включаться.
Однако, при накопившемся ряде проблем, позабыв пароль, засоренной памяти, подозрении на вирусы и просто чтобы продать или отдать родителям смартфон, потребуется полностью сделать reset смартфона Sony Xperia до состояния из коробки.
Сделать hard reset Sony Xperia можно множеством способов, но наиболее удобные с помощью кнопок.
Напомним, что перед обнулением нужно перекинуть на карту памяти все ценные данные со смартфона, а также скопировать телефонную книгу на сим-карту, в противном случае все будет безвозвратно стерто.
- Большинство моделей Xperia можно обнулить кнопками, предварительно выключив аппарат.
- Зажимаем кнопку громкости «+» и блокировки одновременно, через несколько секунд на мониторе смартфона высветится логотип.
- Отпускаем кнопку блокировки, удерживаем звуковую клавишу «-«. Через 3-5 секунд зажимаем в дополнение кнопку блокировки — пока на экране не высветится значок Sony, а еще через пару секунд значок Андроид — теперь отпускаем кнопки.
- Нажимаем клавишу камеры — появится список возможных действий в «восстановлении системы».
- С помощью кнопки звука «-» выбираем на экране подпункт: Wipe data/factory reset — делаем подтверждение клавишей включения.
- Появится меню, в нем перемещаясь кнопкой громкости выбираем: Yes — delete all user data — жмем подтверждение пусковой клавишей.
- Далее высветится новое меню, в нем кнопкой звука спускаемся к пункту: Wipe cache partition — далее нажимаем кнопку пуск для подтверждения выбора.
- Следующим пунктом выбора отмечаем: Reboot system now, — и жмем подтверждение действий.
- Смартфон некоторое время будет перезагружаться и затем включится как в нулевом магазинном виде. Reset кнопками Sony Xperia выполнен.
Есть еще один оригинальный способ на Sony Xperia сделать сброс настроек. Когда смартфон не дает попасть в рекавери меню без пароля, а он — предположим позабылся.
- ⦁ Делаем ввод пароля шесть раз, на экране появится предупреждение, что было совершено 6 неверных введений и при 24 следующих неудачных попытках смартфон будет переведен к заводским настройкам.
- После 30 попыток ввести неверный пароль, телефон начнет перезагружаться, сбросит все настройки и обнулит данные, приведя Sony Xperia в начальное состояние.
В этой статье:
- Когда уместно делать Hard Reset смартфона Sony Xperia?
- Сделайте резервное копирование
- Сброс настроек на заводские
- Сброс до заводских настроек при помощи меню
- Сброс при помощи сервисного меню
- Сброс настроек при помощи программы PC Companion
- Sony Xperia сброс до заводских настроек кнопками
- Сброс настроек (Hard Reset) на Sony Xperia C4:
- Как выполнить Хард Ресет Sony Xperia 1 через Recovery?
- Hard reset Sony Xperia V LT25i
- Как сделать hard reset Sony Xperia U ST25i?
- Hard Reset смартфона Sony Xperia J
- Как сделать hard reset Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc S LT18i и разблокировать смартфон?
- Factory Reset (SONY Xperia X F5121)
Когда уместно делать Hard Reset смартфона Sony Xperia?
Есть ряд определенных случаев, когда без хард ресета не обойтись. Рекомендуется делать перегрузку с откатом в следующих ситуациях:
- Телефон работает со сбоями и есть подозрение на наличие в системе вирусов.
- Если нужно по любой другой причине откатить настройки до состояния стоковых.
- Память телефона полностью заполнена, и он из-за этого тормозит настолько, что возиться с чисткой вручную нет никакого желания.
- Вы планируете продать или подарить свой смартфон, на котором полно личной информации. В этом случае не нужно удалять все вручную, проще сделать Hard Reset Sony Xperia.
- Когда пароль для входа в систему был забыт. Полная перезагрузка позволит создать новый.
Помните, что при Hard Reset смартфона Sony Xperia фото и другие данные будут удалены с памяти, поэтому при возможности сделайте backup системы и файлов. Это позволит сохранить контакты и другие файлы. Ну а теперь несколько способов.
Сделайте резервное копирование
Обращаем ваше внимание, что возврат на заводские настройки подразумевает полное уничтожение всех ваших данных, приложений и файлов, хранящихся во внутренней памяти телефона. Поэтому, если такая возможность есть, рекомендуем вам сделать резервную копию. Для этого перейдите в Меню ->Резервное копирование и сброс -> Еще и выберите пункт «Ручное резервное копирование«.После выбора места, куда будет сохранена копия, нажмите на “Резервная копия”, чтобы начать процесс резервирования.
Теперь, после осуществления сброса настроек Xperia до заводских, вы сможете восстановить все свои данные в Меню -> Резервное копирование и сброс -> Восстановить данные.
Как сделать сброс:
Наконец, прежде чем рассказать, как сделать сброс, заметим, что данная инструкция протестирована на Sony Xperia Z1 и M4 Aqua, и подойдет для любого смартфона линейки Xperia.
Сброс настроек на заводские
Приведем наиболее доступные и действенные способы, при помощи которых можно совершить Hard reset Sony Xperia. К тому же, разберем ситуации, когда выполнение данной операции действительно нужно сделать. По сути, это обозначает полное обнуление информации (включая все личные настройки, сохраненные пароли и т.п.) на мобильном устройстве, планшете – любом мобильном устройстве. Данная операция не затрагивает только установленный съемный носитель – флешку, на которой могут быть установлены определенные программы и содержаться личные данные. Чтобы обнулить и флешку, достаточно только ее отформатировать и вся информация будет уничтожена безвозвратно.
Ситуации, когда сброс на заводские настройки является единственно возможным:
- мобильное устройство работает нестабильно, лагает, блокирует некоторые функции. Причиной этому могут быть вирусы или потенциально-опасное приложение, которое нельзя удалить стандартными инструментами;
- внутренняя память забита, вследствие чего телефон неправильно функционирует. Чтобы не углубляться в подробности и чистить вручную память, можно также воспользоваться сброса;
- перед продажей устройства, рекомендуется удалить собственные профили, сохраненные пароли и т.д. Чтобы не возиться с этим вручную, лучше всего обнулить настройки до заодских;
- приложение было неправильно установлено, вследствие чего устройство перестало совсем запускаться (например, при установке сел аккумулятор).
Помните, что Hard reset удалит все настройки, а также фотографии, документы, музыку и другие файлы, размещенные на внутренней памяти устройства.
Сброс до заводских настроек при помощи меню
Этот способ является наиболее простым. Перейдите в меню настроек и выберите пункт «Резер. Копирование и сброс». Выбираем вкладку «Общий сброс». Если внутренняя память переполнена и устройство «тормозит», рекомендуется отметьте пункт «Очистить внутренний накопитель» и нажмите «Сбросить настройки телефона».
Сброс при помощи сервисного меню
Этот способ также подойдет, если владелец устройства имеет доступ к меню и может набирать номер телефона. Необходимо ввести комбинацию символов: *#*#7378423#*#*. Далее в отображаемых окнах выбирайте поэтапно следующие пункты: Customization Settings – Reset customization – Reset customization and reboot.
Сброс настроек при помощи программы PC Companion
Этот способ подойдет тогда, когда эта программа будет инсталлирована. PC Companion является универсальным и с помощью этой программы можно не только сделать hard reset, но и выполнить резервное копирование, восстановление данных. Для сброса пароля, в программе перейдите по указанному пути: Support Zone – Обновление ПО – восстановление телефона/планшета.
Обычно, возле SIM карты присутствует специальная кнопка, которая позволяет механически совершить сброс настроек. Для более старых прошивок можно воспользоваться комбинацией клавиш «Питание» + «Копка вниз». Помните, этот способ работает только для старых прошивок, с новыми версиями это действие не приведет ни к чему.
Sony Xperia сброс до заводских настроек кнопками
Сделать hard reset Sony Xperia можно множеством способов, но наиболее удобные с помощью кнопок.
Напомним, что перед обнулением нужно перекинуть на карту памяти все ценные данные со смартфона, а также скопировать телефонную книгу на сим-карту, в противном случае все будет безвозвратно стерто.
- Большинство моделей Xperia можно обнулить кнопками, предварительно выключив аппарат.
- Зажимаем кнопку громкости «+» и блокировки одновременно, через несколько секунд на мониторе смартфона высветится логотип.
- Отпускаем кнопку блокировки, удерживаем звуковую клавишу «-«. Через 3-5 секунд зажимаем в дополнение кнопку блокировки — пока на экране не высветится значок Sony, а еще через пару секунд значок Андроид — теперь отпускаем кнопки.
- Нажимаем клавишу камеры — появится список возможных действий в «восстановлении системы».
- С помощью кнопки звука «-» выбираем на экране подпункт: Wipe data/factory reset — делаем подтверждение клавишей включения.
- Появится меню, в нем перемещаясь кнопкой громкости выбираем: Yes — delete all user data — жмем подтверждение пусковой клавишей.
- Далее высветится новое меню, в нем кнопкой звука спускаемся к пункту: Wipe cache partition — далее нажимаем кнопку пуск для подтверждения выбора.
- Следующим пунктом выбора отмечаем: Reboot system now, — и жмем подтверждение действий.
- Смартфон некоторое время будет перезагружаться и затем включится как в нулевом магазинном виде. Reset кнопками Sony Xperia выполнен.
Есть еще один оригинальный способ на Sony Xperia сделать сброс настроек. Когда смартфон не дает попасть в рекавери меню без пароля, а он — предположим позабылся.
- ⦁ Делаем ввод пароля шесть раз, на экране появится предупреждение, что было совершено 6 неверных введений и при 24 следующих неудачных попытках смартфон будет переведен к заводским настройкам.
- После 30 попыток ввести неверный пароль, телефон начнет перезагружаться, сбросит все настройки и обнулит данные, приведя Sony Xperia в начальное состояние.
Сброс настроек (Hard Reset) на Sony Xperia C4:
- Отключите телефон. Одновременно зажмите кнопку питания, клавишу увеличения громкости и клавишу уменьшения громкости.
- После выполнения первого пункта, должно появиться меню (если этого не произошло, попробуйте нажать и подержать кнопку питания).
- Чтобы перемещаться по меню используйте клавишу уменьшения громкости. Вам необходимо выбрать настройки восстановления. Для выбора этой опции используйте клавишу увеличения громкости (если это не работает, воспользуйтесь для выбора опции клавишей питания).
- Должен появиться логотип Android – одновременно зажмите клавиши увеличения и уменьшения громкости, чтобы появилось меню восстановления.
- С помощью кнопок регулировки громкости найдите опцию «Стереть данные/Сброс настроек» (Factory Reset), после чего выберите ее, нажав на кнопку питания.
- Чтобы выбрать «Да» нажмите кнопку понижения громкости, после чего подтвердите выбор, нажав кнопку питания.
Как выполнить Хард Ресет Sony Xperia 1 через Recovery?
Это актуальный метод, если на телефоне присутствует неисправность, которая препятствует его загрузке. Именно для таких случаев нужен режим восстановления, через который нужно будет производить Хард Ресет.
- Если ваш телефон включен, выключите его.
- Удерживайте кнопки питания и уменьшения громкости (если ничего не происходит, читайте нашу отдельную статью о том, как войти в Рекавери).
- Вместо нормальной загрузки вы увидите меню, где навигация выполняется при помощи клавиш регулировки громкости (передвижение курсора) и питания (выбор).
- Опускайтесь до категории «Wipe data/factory reset» и кликните по ней клавишей питания.
- Выделите «Yes», чтобы подтвердить сброс.
По завершении сброса аппарат уйдет в перезагрузку и выдаст стандартное окно приветствия и настройки. Опять же, названия меню могут немного отличаться в зависимости от модели.
Hard reset Sony Xperia V LT25i
Как сделать hard reset Sony Xperia U ST25i?
Hard Reset смартфона Sony Xperia J
Как сделать hard reset Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc S LT18i и разблокировать смартфон?
Factory Reset (SONY Xperia X F5121)
No rating Принудительная перезагрузка Общий сброс
Жесткий сброс SONY Xperia L C2105 — Сбросить все SONY Xperia — видео
Хард ресет SONY Xperia M4 Aqua — сброс настроек к заводским настройкам Android — видео
Как сделать hard Reset SONY Xperia X — Сброс Android / Формат данных — видео
Как сделать hard Reset SONY Xperia X — сброс кода / восстановление SONY — видео
SONY Xperia X HARD RESET / Обход блокировки экрана / Форматирование прошивки Xperia — видео
- https://www.syl.ru/article/328319/kak-sdelat-hard-reset-sony-xperia-neskolko-rabochih-sposobov
- https://www.lumias.ru/kak-sbrosit-sony-xperia-do-zavodskix-nastroek/
- http://mobimanual.ru/hard-reset-sony-xperia-2/
- https://neknopka.ru/sony-xperia-hard-reset-%D0%BA%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%BF%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%B8/
- https://GamesQa.ru/smartfony/kak-sbrosit-nastrojki-hard-reset-ili-vernutsya-k-zavodskim-nastrojkam-factory-reset-na-sony-xperia-c4-1207/
- http://proshivku.ru/hard/sony-xperia-1-detail
- https://androidsmartfony.com/183-kak-sdelat-hard-reset-sony-xperia.html
- https://www.hardreset.info/ru/devices/sony/sony-xperia-x-f5121/sbros-k-zavodskim-nastroikam/
Remove Pattern Lock, phone password
Lot of people suffering this problem they don’t know how to delete Pattern Lock from their phones. If you use any third party app to set Pattern Lock then Uninstall it first. If you does not use any app then you may have been set it through the phone setting. Try to find it and remove.. If you can’t find then your final solution is “Hard reset”. This process will be performed after switching off the phone.
Remove Pattern Lock, phone password
Lot of people suffering this problem they don’t know how to delete Pattern Lock from their phones. If you use any third party app to set Pattern Lock then Uninstall it first. If you does not use any app then you may have been set it through the phone setting. Try to find it and remove.. If you can’t find then your final solution is “Hard reset”. This process will be performed after switching off the phone.
General FAQ – Reset Sony Xperia XA1
How to Reset Sony Xperia XA1 phone?
You can easily reset Sony Xperia XA1 Android phone with Hard reset and factory reset methods. You can also reset your phone with Google find my device and other software.
What is Recovery Mode in Sony Xperia XA1?
Android Recovery Mode is an independent and lightweight runtime environment that is included in a separate partition from the main Android operating system on any Android device.
Recovery Mode on allows you to Wipe data or factory reset, Reboot system, and update software, etc without entering into your phone.
Can I Reset Sony Xperia XA1 phone without Password?
Yes, you can easily reset without password with Hard reset and Google find my device methods, etc.
How do I reset my Sony Xperia XA1 to factory settings?
You can reset your phone to factory settings via Settings menu >> backup and reset option.
Does a factory reset delete everything Sony Xperia XA1
Yes, it will delete everything from your phone. You can backup all your data before factory reset from the settings menu.
Contact Sony Service Center
If you need more support and want to contact Sony official support, check out this link.
Sony Support Center
There are five ways to reset Sony Xperia XA1 Plus
- Normal Factory Reset – It will delete or erase all things but not like a hard reset. If your phone is slow, heating, then use this.
- Hard Factory Reset – It will delete all things in your phone permanently. If you can’t pass boot or want to “” then you can use this. Video Guide – below
- – If your phone has stolen then this is the best
- Reset phone from PC – ou can reset your phone from your PC or Laptop.
- Flash Stock Rom -This is the most advance method. We can fix system errors too. In this, we install system software again onto your phone.
– How to get backup in Sony Xperia XA1 Plus
Fix – phone that says “NO COMMAND” in recovery mode
Phone’s recovery may be damaged. So ,I think that You have to install Stock Recovery again. Your phone’s warranty won’t be void. Because Stock is default and official. – Stock Recovery.
There are five ways to reset Sony Xperia XA
- Normal Factory Reset – It will delete or erase all things but not like a hard reset. If your phone is slow, heating, then use this.
- Hard Factory Reset – It will delete all things in your phone permanently. If you can’t pass boot or want to “Force reset” then you can use this. Video Guide – below
- Reset Remotely – If your phone has stolen then this is the best
- Reset phone from PC – You can reset your phone from your PC or Laptop.
- Flash Stock Rom -This is the most advance method. We can fix system errors too. In this, we install system software again onto your phone.
Note – How to get backup in Sony Xperia XA
We have a option to get full backup in your phone and you can get Contacts,Calendar, SMS, Call logs, Photos, Videos, Music, Browser Bookmarks,Album, Audios, Apps data,WiFi passwords,and apps setting. to Backup – Click Here
Factory Reset / Hard Reset Sony Xperia XA1
Step 1,
Note – We recommend you to get full back up.
- Take your phone and switch off it by pressing power key – please wait until “Sony” screen appears, Now release both buttons.
- The Recovery screen will appear. Use the volume buttons to toggle the selection to “Factory Reset“, then press “Power” to select.
- Use the volume buttons to toggle the selection to “Yes“, then press “Power” to select.
- You will have to set date and time, language and sign into your google account after the reset.
Power key = enter
Volume Up = go Up
Volume Down = Go Down
Read More – Increase Internal Rom Sony Xperia XA1 after root
Stuck at Sony Xperia XA Logo Screen
Your phone may be damaged. So ,I think that you have to install Stock Rom again. Your phone’s warranty won’t be void. Because Stock Rom is default and official Rom. – Stock Rom.
Factory Reset Sony Xperia XA1 Plus
Here is the complete guide about how to Factory Reset Sony Xperia XA1 Plus mobile. This method may also delete all your device data like photos, apps, settings, and contacts, etc. So backup all your phone data before reset.
Factory Reset deletes all your device data. So backup all your Sony Xperia XA1 Plus mobile data (Media files, apps, and contacts, etc) before reset.
This is the Android 9 version factory reset method. Other versions available below.
Factory Data Reset from Settings
- First, Switch on your mobile.
- Then, open the settings menu.
- Next, click on the About Phone or General management option.
- Now, scroll down and select the reset option.
- Then, select the Factory data reset option.
- Next, scroll down and select the option Reset or Reset Phone.
- Now, Enter your password.
- Finally, Choose the Erase everything option.
- Wait for a while, your device will be rebooted.
- Factory reset completed on your mobile.
You can easily Restore Android Data after Hard Reset. In reset option you can also find auto restart option.
If your mobile has a different android version from above, please check out below link to factory reset your mobile.
Android Factory Reset
Reset Network Settings Sony Xperia XA1 Plus
This will reset all your network settings, including Wi-Fi settings, Mobile data settings, and Bluetooth settings.
- Power On your Sony mobile, by holding the power button.
- Tap the Setting’s icon from your home screen.
- Next, find Reset option (It may be in General management or About Phone).
- From the list, tap on Reset network settings.
- Then, select your sim and tab on Reset settings.
- Again, tap on the option Reset Settings.
- Well done, You are successfully Reset network settings in your Sony Mobile.
Reset Accessibility Settings
Your phone accessibility settings will be reset to their default settings with this method.
Keyboard and font size won’t be reset. Accessibility settings in downloaded apps won’t be changed. Personal data on the phone won’t be changed.
- Power On your phone, by holding the power button.
- Tap the Setting’s icon from your home screen.
- Next, find Reset option (It may be in General management or About Phone).
- From the list, tap on Reset accessibility settings.
- Then, tap on the option Reset Settings.
- Well done, You are successfully Reset accessibility settings in your smartphone.
What is Hard Reset?
Hard reset is a process of formatting or wiping all data (Photos, Contacts, and apps, etc) on any electronic device (mobiles, routers, and TVs, etc). You will not recover any data after resetting your device.
Factory reset will fix many issues. You can speed up your device, remove the virus which causing malfunctions, and free up space, etc.
Check out, detailed information about What is Hard Reset?.
Reset Sony Xperia XA remotely
- First, Go to Android Device Manager and login to your Sony phone’s google account.
- You can see there is options Box. Click “ Erase” in the Box.
- Click the “Erase” and confirm it. It will start to reset the Sony Xperia XA phone.
As well, you are able to use Android device manage for,
To give a ring to your phone. Then, phone will start Ring phone’s full Sound
> To lock the phone if it is NOT locked yet.
> To change the lock screen of Sony phone.
There are five ways to reset Sony Xperia XA1
- Normal Factory Reset – It will delete or erase all things but not like a hard reset. If your phone is slow, heating, then use this.
- Hard Factory Reset – It will delete all things in your phone permanently. If you can’t pass boot or want to “Force reset” then you can use this. Video Guide – below
- Reset Remotely – If your phone has stolen then this is the best
- Reset phone from PC – You can reset your phone from your PC or Laptop.
- Flash Stock Rom -This is the most advance method. We can fix system errors too. In this, we install system software again onto your phone.
Note – How to get backup in Sony Xperia XA1
We have a option to get full backup in your phone and you can get Contacts,Calendar, SMS, Call logs, Photos, Videos, Music, Browser Bookmarks,Album, Audios, Apps data,WiFi passwords,and apps setting. to Backup – Click Here
After factory reset my phone can’t connect to internet
Q : I performed reset my Sony Xperia XA phone. Now i can’t connect to internet and the sim card was not recognized. There is a error code too “E:failed to mount /preload”
A : Contact your Network severs provider (SIM). If there is no any error msg then you should ask Internet settings for your phone.
A : Reset your smartphone again. If it is failed or go wrong again, then try flash a new stock Rom. Your phone’s warranty won’t be void. Because Stock Rom is official Rom. – Stock Rom.
Contact Sony Service Center
If you need more support and want to contact Sony official support, check out this link.
Sony Support Center
Factory Reset Sony Xperia XA1
Here is the complete guide about how to Factory Reset Sony Xperia XA1 mobile. This method may also delete all your device data like photos, apps, settings, and contacts, etc. So backup all your phone data before reset.
Factory Reset deletes all your device data. So backup all your Sony Xperia XA1 mobile data (Media files, apps, and contacts, etc) before reset.
This is the Android 9 version factory reset method. Other versions available below.
Factory Data Reset from Settings
- First, Switch on your mobile.
- Then, open the settings menu.
- Next, click on the About Phone or General management option.
- Now, scroll down and select the reset option.
- Then, select the Factory data reset option.
- Next, scroll down and select the option Reset or Reset Phone.
- Now, Enter your password.
- Finally, Choose the Erase everything option.
- Wait for a while, your device will be rebooted.
- Factory reset completed on your mobile.
You can easily Restore Android Data after Hard Reset. In reset option you can also find auto restart option.
If your mobile has a different android version from above, please check out below link to factory reset your mobile.
Android Factory Reset
Reset Network Settings Sony Xperia XA1
This will reset all your network settings, including Wi-Fi settings, Mobile data settings, and Bluetooth settings.
- Power On your Sony mobile, by holding the power button.
- Tap the Setting’s icon from your home screen.
- Next, find Reset option (It may be in General management or About Phone).
- From the list, tap on Reset network settings.
- Then, select your sim and tab on Reset settings.
- Again, tap on the option Reset Settings.
- Well done, You are successfully Reset network settings in your Sony Mobile.
Reset Accessibility Settings
Your phone accessibility settings will be reset to their default settings with this method.
Keyboard and font size won’t be reset. Accessibility settings in downloaded apps won’t be changed. Personal data on the phone won’t be changed.
- Power On your phone, by holding the power button.
- Tap the Setting’s icon from your home screen.
- Next, find Reset option (It may be in General management or About Phone).
- From the list, tap on Reset accessibility settings.
- Then, tap on the option Reset Settings.
- Well done, You are successfully Reset accessibility settings in your smartphone.
Sony Xperia XA1 Plus Unlock with Google Find My Device.
This is the best method to reset your Android phone remotely. This method useful when you lose your phone or not able to access your mobile.
You can also unlock your Sony Xperia XA1 Plus mobile with Google Find my device (Android Device Manager). This method also deletes all your Android phone data. After your device has been erased, you can’t locate it.
You can only use this method if you already added Gmail account to your phone and having an active internet connection. If your device is offline, erasing will begin when it next comes online.
- Take another phone or PC and open any browser.
- After that, visit Google Find My Device.
- Sign in using the Google login credentials which are used on your phone.
- After login, there will be three different options Play Sound, Secure device and Erase device.
- Now Click on Erase device option.
- Afterward, you will see Erase all data menu.
- Then tap on the Erase option.
- Well done, You are successfully Reset your Sony Mobile.
Hard Reset with Recovery Mode
This method format all mobile data like photos, apps, music files, and contacts, etc. So backup Android data before resetting your smartphone if possible. You can not recover data after a hard reset.
Method – 1
- First, Switch off your Sony mobile, by holding the power button.
- After that, hold down the Volume Up + Power Button (Volume Down + Power Button).
- When you see the Sony or Android Logo screen, release all the buttons.
- Afterward, choose to wipe data/factory reset option, Using the Volume button and confirm with the Power button.
- Navigate with Volume Button to select Yes option and press the Power button.
- Once the reset is complete, you will be bounced back to the same recovery mode menu.
- Next, press the Power button to select Reboot system now.
- Well done, You are successfully Hard Reset your Mobile.
Note: If you do not go to recovery mode automatically after releasing all buttons do this. While holding down the Power button press and release Volume Up Button.
Method – 2
- First, Switch off your Sony mobile, by holding the power button.
- After that, Hold down the
- Volume Down + Power Button or
- Volume Up + Power Button.
- When you see the Sony or Android Logo screen, release all the buttons.
- Next, you will see Android exclamation mark.
- While holding down the Power button press and release Volume Up Button.
- Afterward, Choose wipe data/factory reset option, Using Volume Buttons and confirm with Power button.
- Navigate with Volume Buttons to select Yes option and press the Power Button.
- Once the reset is complete, you will be bounced back to the same recovery mode menu.
- Next, press the Power button to select Reboot system now.
- Well done, You are successfully Hard Reset your Mobile.
Note: If you do not go to recovery mode automatically after releasing all buttons do this. Press the Power button.
Hard Reset Android Phone
Factory Reset / Hard Reset Sony Xperia XA1
- Switch on Your Sony xperia Device
- go to phone’s dialer and type in: *#*#7378423#*#*
- From the menu which shows up on the screen select option Customization Settings and then Reset customization.
- Confirm information: “Data will be cleared and factory data reset will perform”.
- At the end accept that by tapping Reset customization and reboot.
- well done
What is Hard Reset?
Hard reset is a process of formatting or wiping all data (Photos, Contacts, and apps, etc) on any electronic device (mobiles, routers, and TVs, etc). You will not recover any data after resetting your device.
Factory reset will fix many issues. You can speed up your device, remove the virus which causing malfunctions, and free up space, etc.
Check out, detailed information about What is Hard Reset?.
Hard Reset Sony Xperia XA1 Plus
Hi,however i reset my phone successfully but i forgot get back up before reset.. I want to know, Can i get my data now? whatapp messages,viber?
Yes, you can get some of the data.. but I can’t say that you can get all the data. try this.
Factory Reset / Hard Reset Sony Xperia XA
Step 1,
Note – We recommend you to get full back up.
- Take your phone and switch off it by pressing power key – please wait until “Sony” screen appears, Now release both buttons.
- The Recovery screen will appear. Use the volume buttons to toggle the selection to “Factory Reset“, then press “Power” to select.
- Use the volume buttons to toggle the selection to “Yes“, then press “Power” to select.
- You will have to set date and time, language and sign into your google account after the reset.
Power key = enter
Volume Up = go Up
Volume Down = Go Down
Read More – Increase Internal Rom Sony Xperia XA after root
General FAQ – Reset Sony Xperia XA1 Plus
How to Reset Sony Xperia XA1 Plus phone?
You can easily reset Sony Xperia XA1 Plus Android phone with Hard reset and factory reset methods. You can also reset your phone with Google find my device and other software.
What is Recovery Mode in Sony Xperia XA1 Plus?
Android Recovery Mode is an independent and lightweight runtime environment that is included in a separate partition from the main Android operating system on any Android device.
Recovery Mode on allows you to Wipe data or factory reset, Reboot system, and update software, etc without entering into your phone.
Can I Reset Sony Xperia XA1 Plus phone without Password?
Yes, you can easily reset without password with Hard reset and Google find my device methods, etc.
How do I reset my Sony Xperia XA1 Plus to factory settings?
You can reset your phone to factory settings via Settings menu >> backup and reset option.
Does a factory reset delete everything Sony Xperia XA1 Plus
Yes, it will delete everything from your phone. You can backup all your data before factory reset from the settings menu.
Reset Sony Xperia XA1 Plus – Video
We cover all the sides of doing reset to Sony phone. But If you feel any fear to reset your phone then you can watch video about“Factory reset – Step by step”
Reset Sony Xperia XA1 Plus with Android Multi Tools
Android Multi Tools is a small utility to Unlock and Reset any Android phone without any password or PIN. You can also Wipe data (Media files, Contacts, and Apps, etc) on your Android phone.
Android Multi Tools support Windows 10, Windows 8 or 8.1, Windows 7, XP and Vista. And also check Software and Hardware info of your Android mobile with Android Multi Tools.
You need Computer, USB cable, and Android multi-tools software to reset your device.
All phone data will be deleted with this method.
- First, Download the Android Multi Tools.
- Then, open Android Multi Tools v1.02b gsmforum file in the downloaded folder.
- Then, connect your mobile device to PC via USB cable.
- After that, press 5 on PC to wipe all data on your device.
- Wait for a while.
- Finally, your device will be rebooted and wiped successfully.
Here you can download and install Android multi-tools for free. Check out below link.
What is Hard Reset?
Hard reset is a process of formatting or wiping all data (Photos, Contacts, and apps, etc) on any electronic device (mobiles, routers, and TVs, etc). You will not recover any data after resetting your device.
Factory reset will fix many issues. You can speed up your device, remove the virus which causing malfunctions, and free up space, etc.
Check out, detailed information about What is Hard Reset?.
Stuck at Sony Xperia XA1 Logo Screen
Your phone may be damaged. So ,I think that you have to install Stock Rom again. Your phone’s warranty won’t be void. Because Stock Rom is default and official Rom. – Stock Rom.
Reset Sony Xperia XA1 Ultra with Android Multi Tools
Android Multi Tools is a small utility to Unlock and Reset any Android phone without any password or PIN. You can also Wipe data (Media files, Contacts, and Apps, etc) on your Android phone.
Android Multi Tools support Windows 10, Windows 8 or 8.1, Windows 7, XP and Vista. And also check Software and Hardware info of your Android mobile with Android Multi Tools.
You need Computer, USB cable, and Android multi-tools software to reset your device.
All phone data will be deleted with this method.
- First, Download the Android Multi Tools.
- Then, open Android Multi Tools v1.02b gsmforum file in the downloaded folder.
- Then, connect your mobile device to PC via USB cable.
- After that, press 5 on PC to wipe all data on your device.
- Wait for a while.
- Finally, your device will be rebooted and wiped successfully.
Here you can download and install Android multi-tools for free. Check out below link.
Factory Reset / Hard Reset Sony Xperia XA1 Plus
- Switch on Your Sony xperia Device
- go to phone’s dialer and type in:
- From the menu which shows up on the screen select option Customization Settings and then Reset customization.
- Confirm information: “Data will be cleared and factory data reset will perform”.
- At the end accept that by tapping Reset customization and reboot.
- well done
Reset Sony Xperia XA – Video
We cover all the sides of doing reset to Sony phone. But If you feel any fear to reset your phone then you can watch video about“Factory reset – Step by step”
Reset Sony Xperia XA1 remotely
- First, Go to Android Device Manager and login to your Sony phone’s google account.
- You can see there is options Box. Click “ Erase” in the Box.
- Click the “Erase” and confirm it. It will start to reset the Sony Xperia XA1 phone.
As well, you are able to use Android device manage for,
To give a ring to your phone. Then, phone will start Ring phone’s full Sound
> To lock the phone if it is NOT locked yet.
> To change the lock screen of Sony phone.
Contact Sony Service Center
If you need more support and want to contact Sony official support, check out this link.
Sony Support Center
Fix – phone that says “NO COMMAND” in recovery mode
Phone’s recovery may be damaged. So ,I think that You have to install Stock Recovery again. Your phone’s warranty won’t be void. Because Stock is default and official. – .
Remove Pattern Lock, phone password
Lot of people suffering this problem they don’t know how to delete Pattern Lock from their phones. If you use any third party app to set Pattern Lock then Uninstall it first. If you does not use any app then you may have been set it through the phone setting. Try to find it and remove.. If you can’t find then your final solution is “Hard reset”. This process will be performed after switching off the phone.
Reset Sony Xperia XA1 with Android Multi Tools
Android Multi Tools is a small utility to Unlock and Reset any Android phone without any password or PIN. You can also Wipe data (Media files, Contacts, and Apps, etc) on your Android phone.
Android Multi Tools support Windows 10, Windows 8 or 8.1, Windows 7, XP and Vista. And also check Software and Hardware info of your Android mobile with Android Multi Tools.
You need Computer, USB cable, and Android multi-tools software to reset your device.
All phone data will be deleted with this method.
- First, Download the Android Multi Tools.
- Then, open Android Multi Tools v1.02b gsmforum file in the downloaded folder.
- Then, connect your mobile device to PC via USB cable.
- After that, press 5 on PC to wipe all data on your device.
- Wait for a while.
- Finally, your device will be rebooted and wiped successfully.
Here you can download and install Android multi-tools for free. Check out below link.
How to Hard Reset Sony Xperia XA {Normally}
Step 1,
- Take your Sony Xperia XA phone and go to menu and then go to Settings and System..
- Note – Get full back up before doing this.
- Tap the “Reset”
Step 2,
- Select Factory data reset.
- after that, next step, tap Reset Phone and Erase Everything.
- Well done!
Sony Xperia XA1 Unlock with Google Find My Device.
This is the best method to reset your Android phone remotely. This method useful when you lose your phone or not able to access your mobile.
You can also unlock your Sony Xperia XA1 mobile with Google Find my device (Android Device Manager). This method also deletes all your Android phone data. After your device has been erased, you can’t locate it.
You can only use this method if you already added Gmail account to your phone and having an active internet connection. If your device is offline, erasing will begin when it next comes online.
- Take another phone or PC and open any browser.
- After that, visit Google Find My Device.
- Sign in using the Google login credentials which are used on your phone.
- After login, there will be three different options Play Sound, Secure device and Erase device.
- Now Click on Erase device option.
- Afterward, you will see Erase all data menu.
- Then tap on the Erase option.
- Well done, You are successfully Reset your Sony Mobile.
Hard Reset Sony Xperia XA1 entire phone (advance)
In above three methods, we only do reset but in this, we are going replace entire android system. If you buy a Sony android phone, then it has a Stock ROM. Stock ROM is Original ROM and Official Rom that a phone has. So, installing Stock ROM does not avoid your warranty. We found dedicated posts about flashing Stock Roms on “Gogorapid”. Go to that site and Flash a new Rom to your phone.
Hi,however i reset my phone successfully but i forgot get back up before reset.. I want to know, Can i get my data now? whatapp messages,viber?
Yes, you can get some of the data.. but I can’t say that you can get all the data. try this.
Reset Sony Xperia XA1 – Video
We cover all the sides of doing reset to Sony phone. But If you feel any fear to reset your phone then you can watch video about“Factory reset – Step by step”
Fix – phone that says “NO COMMAND” in recovery mode
Phone’s recovery may be damaged. So ,I think that You have to install Stock Recovery again. Your phone’s warranty won’t be void. Because Stock is default and official. – Stock Recovery.
Reset Sony Xperia XA1 Plus remotely
- First, Go to Android Device Manager and login to your Sony phone’s google account.
- You can see there is options Box. Click “ ” in the Box.
- Click the “” and confirm it. It will start to reset the Sony Xperia XA1 Plus phone.
As well, you are able to use Android device manage for,
To give a ring to your phone. Then, phone will start Ring phone’s full Sound
To lock the phone if it is NOT locked yet.
To change the lock screen of Sony phone.
After factory reset my phone can’t connect to internet
I performed reset my Sony Xperia XA1 Plus phone. Now i can’t connect to internet and the sim card was not . There is a error code too “E:failed to mount /preload”
: Contact your Network severs provider (SIM). If there is no any error msg then you should ask Internet settings for your phone.
: Reset your smartphone again. If it is failed or go wrong again, then try flash a new stock Rom. Your phone’s warranty won’t be void. Because Stock Rom is official Rom. –
Reset Sony Xperia XA from pc (advance)
Xperia Companion – link
SDK – Android Software Development Kit. In this toolkit, you can reset your phone finely by using data cable. you have to follow simple steps. Go to this link and Download SDK and type “adb shell” and type other codes to reset.
Reset Sony Xperia XA1 Plus from pc
How to Hard Reset Sony Xperia XA1 {Normally}
Step 1,
- Take your Sony Xperia XA1 phone and go to menu and then go to Settings and System..
- Note – Get full back up before doing this.
- Tap the “Reset”
Step 2,
- Select Factory data reset.
- after that, next step, tap Reset Phone and Erase Everything.
- Well done!
Hard Reset Sony Xperia XA entire phone (advance)
In above three methods, we only do reset but in this, we are going replace entire android system. If you buy a Sony android phone, then it has a Stock ROM. Stock ROM is Original ROM and Official Rom that a phone has. So, installing Stock ROM does not avoid your warranty. We found dedicated posts about flashing Stock Roms on “Gogorapid”. Go to that site and Flash a new Rom to your phone.
Hi,however i reset my phone successfully but i forgot get back up before reset.. I want to know, Can i get my data now? whatapp messages,viber?
Yes, you can get some of the data.. but I can’t say that you can get all the data. try this.
Hard Reset with Recovery Mode
This method format all mobile data like photos, apps, music files, and contacts, etc. So backup Android data before resetting your smartphone if possible. You can not recover data after a hard reset.
Method – 1
- First, Switch off your Sony mobile, by holding the power button.
- After that, hold down the Volume Up + Power Button (Volume Down + Power Button).
- When you see the Sony or Android Logo screen, release all the buttons.
- Afterward, choose to wipe data/factory reset option, Using the Volume button and confirm with the Power button.
- Navigate with Volume Button to select Yes option and press the Power button.
- Once the reset is complete, you will be bounced back to the same recovery mode menu.
- Next, press the Power button to select Reboot system now.
- Well done, You are successfully Hard Reset your Mobile.
Note: If you do not go to recovery mode automatically after releasing all buttons do this. While holding down the Power button press and release Volume Up Button.
Method – 2
- First, Switch off your Sony mobile, by holding the power button.
- After that, Hold down the
- Volume Down + Power Button or
- Volume Up + Power Button.
- When you see the Sony or Android Logo screen, release all the buttons.
- Next, you will see Android exclamation mark.
- While holding down the Power button press and release Volume Up Button.
- Afterward, Choose wipe data/factory reset option, Using Volume Buttons and confirm with Power button.
- Navigate with Volume Buttons to select Yes option and press the Power Button.
- Once the reset is complete, you will be bounced back to the same recovery mode menu.
- Next, press the Power button to select Reboot system now.
- Well done, You are successfully Hard Reset your Mobile.
Note: If you do not go to recovery mode automatically after releasing all buttons do this. Press the Power button.
Hard Reset Android Phone
Reset Sony Xperia XA1 from pc (advance)
Xperia Companion – link
SDK – Android Software Development Kit. In this toolkit, you can reset your phone finely by using data cable. you have to follow simple steps. Go to this link and Download SDK and type “adb shell” and type other codes to reset.
Sony Xperia XA1 Ultra Unlock with Google Find My Device.
This is the best method to reset your Android phone remotely. This method useful when you lose your phone or not able to access your mobile.
You can also unlock your Sony Xperia XA1 Ultra mobile with Google Find my device (Android Device Manager). This method also deletes all your Android phone data. After your device has been erased, you can’t locate it.
You can only use this method if you already added Gmail account to your phone and having an active internet connection. If your device is offline, erasing will begin when it next comes online.
- Take another phone or PC and open any browser.
- After that, visit Google Find My Device.
- Sign in using the Google login credentials which are used on your phone.
- After login, there will be three different options Play Sound, Secure device and Erase device.
- Now Click on Erase device option.
- Afterward, you will see Erase all data menu.
- Then tap on the Erase option.
- Well done, You are successfully Reset your Sony Mobile.
Hard Reset with Recovery Mode
This method format all mobile data like photos, apps, music files, and contacts, etc. So backup Android data before resetting your smartphone if possible. You can not recover data after a hard reset.
Method – 1
- First, Switch off your Sony mobile, by holding the power button.
- After that, hold down the Volume Up + Power Button (Volume Down + Power Button).
- When you see the Sony or Android Logo screen, release all the buttons.
- Afterward, choose to wipe data/factory reset option, Using the Volume button and confirm with the Power button.
- Navigate with Volume Button to select Yes option and press the Power button.
- Once the reset is complete, you will be bounced back to the same recovery mode menu.
- Next, press the Power button to select Reboot system now.
- Well done, You are successfully Hard Reset your Mobile.
Note: If you do not go to recovery mode automatically after releasing all buttons do this. While holding down the Power button press and release Volume Up Button.
Method – 2
- First, Switch off your Sony mobile, by holding the power button.
- After that, Hold down the
- Volume Down + Power Button or
- Volume Up + Power Button.
- When you see the Sony or Android Logo screen, release all the buttons.
- Next, you will see Android exclamation mark.
- While holding down the Power button press and release Volume Up Button.
- Afterward, Choose wipe data/factory reset option, Using Volume Buttons and confirm with Power button.
- Navigate with Volume Buttons to select Yes option and press the Power Button.
- Once the reset is complete, you will be bounced back to the same recovery mode menu.
- Next, press the Power button to select Reboot system now.
- Well done, You are successfully Hard Reset your Mobile.
Note: If you do not go to recovery mode automatically after releasing all buttons do this. Press the Power button.
Hard Reset Android Phone
Factory Reset / Hard Reset Sony Xperia XA1 Plus
– We recommend you to get full back up.
- The Recovery screen will appear. Use the volume buttons to toggle the selection to ““, then press “” to select.
- Use the volume buttons to toggle the selection to ““, then press “” to select.
- You will have to set date and time, language and sign into your google account after the reset.
= enter
= go Up
= Go Down
After factory reset my phone can’t connect to internet
Q : I performed reset my Sony Xperia XA1 phone. Now i can’t connect to internet and the sim card was not recognized. There is a error code too “E:failed to mount /preload”
A : Contact your Network severs provider (SIM). If there is no any error msg then you should ask Internet settings for your phone.
A : Reset your smartphone again. If it is failed or go wrong again, then try flash a new stock Rom. Your phone’s warranty won’t be void. Because Stock Rom is official Rom. – Stock Rom.
General FAQ – Reset Sony Xperia XA1 Ultra
How to Reset Sony Xperia XA1 Ultra phone?
You can easily reset Sony Xperia XA1 Ultra Android phone with Hard reset and factory reset methods. You can also reset your phone with Google find my device and other software.
What is Recovery Mode in Sony Xperia XA1 Ultra?
Android Recovery Mode is an independent and lightweight runtime environment that is included in a separate partition from the main Android operating system on any Android device.
Recovery Mode on allows you to Wipe data or factory reset, Reboot system, and update software, etc without entering into your phone.
Can I Reset Sony Xperia XA1 Ultra phone without Password?
Yes, you can easily reset without password with Hard reset and Google find my device methods, etc.
How do I reset my Sony Xperia XA1 Ultra to factory settings?
You can reset your phone to factory settings via Settings menu >> backup and reset option.
Does a factory reset delete everything Sony Xperia XA1 Ultra
Yes, it will delete everything from your phone. You can backup all your data before factory reset from the settings menu.
Stuck at Sony Xperia XA1 Plus Logo Screen
Your phone may be damaged. So ,I think that you have to install Stock Rom again. Your phone’s warranty won’t be void. Because Stock Rom is default and official Rom. – .
Factory Reset / Hard Reset Sony Xperia XA
- Switch on Your Sony xperia Device
- go to phone’s dialer and type in: *#*#7378423#*#*
- From the menu which shows up on the screen select option Customization Settings and then Reset customization.
- Confirm information: “Data will be cleared and factory data reset will perform”.
- At the end accept that by tapping Reset customization and reboot.
- well done
Factory Reset Sony Xperia XA1 Ultra
Here is the complete guide about how to Factory Reset Sony Xperia XA1 Ultra mobile. This method may also delete all your device data like photos, apps, settings, and contacts, etc. So backup all your phone data before reset.
Factory Reset deletes all your device data. So backup all your Sony Xperia XA1 Ultra mobile data (Media files, apps, and contacts, etc) before reset.
This is the Android 9 version factory reset method. Other versions available below.
Factory Data Reset from Settings
- First, Switch on your mobile.
- Then, open the settings menu.
- Next, click on the About Phone or General management option.
- Now, scroll down and select the reset option.
- Then, select the Factory data reset option.
- Next, scroll down and select the option Reset or Reset Phone.
- Now, Enter your password.
- Finally, Choose the Erase everything option.
- Wait for a while, your device will be rebooted.
- Factory reset completed on your mobile.
You can easily Restore Android Data after Hard Reset. In reset option you can also find auto restart option.
If your mobile has a different android version from above, please check out below link to factory reset your mobile.
Android Factory Reset
Reset Network Settings Sony Xperia XA1 Ultra
This will reset all your network settings, including Wi-Fi settings, Mobile data settings, and Bluetooth settings.
- Power On your Sony mobile, by holding the power button.
- Tap the Setting’s icon from your home screen.
- Next, find Reset option (It may be in General management or About Phone).
- From the list, tap on Reset network settings.
- Then, select your sim and tab on Reset settings.
- Again, tap on the option Reset Settings.
- Well done, You are successfully Reset network settings in your Sony Mobile.
Reset Accessibility Settings
Your phone accessibility settings will be reset to their default settings with this method.
Keyboard and font size won’t be reset. Accessibility settings in downloaded apps won’t be changed. Personal data on the phone won’t be changed.
- Power On your phone, by holding the power button.
- Tap the Setting’s icon from your home screen.
- Next, find Reset option (It may be in General management or About Phone).
- From the list, tap on Reset accessibility settings.
- Then, tap on the option Reset Settings.
- Well done, You are successfully Reset accessibility settings in your smartphone.